Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Todays Tip - Motivation

Last night in our class we discussed motivation. As we have heard from the people in our class as well as people posting replies on our blog, MOTIVATION seems to be the biggest problem. So I found a couple of articles that I thought helped one was dealing with weight loss and diet, and one was dealing with exercise. I think they are both good and give great ideas of ways to deal with the getting started part of fitness.

Health is not 1 month or a 2 month commitment. This is a life change, and with that commitment comes MANY MANY benefits. I am amazed at some of the things I have seen change in my life because of my commitment to my health.

I know it is easier to "wait" or "do it later". But I am sad to tell you if you wait very much longer, there will not be a "LATER", but there will be a "to late". I know other people who use the excuse "I don't have any health problems" or "I am not overweight". My response to that is SO WHAT? Healthy lifestyle and fitness is not only for the bikini wearing models. It is for everyone and should be thought of as something just as important as breathing.

It is like finding God in your life. Before you understood the importance of Him what did you say "I don't need that; I am doing just fine", But now that you have Him in your life, can you really imagine living without Him? Health and Fitness feel the same way, it is hard at first (like any good change), but once you get started it is amazing how you feel and it just motivates you even more. You would be surprised how many people i have seen ELIMINATE certain health problems just with healthier eating and exercise.

Check out these two articles for good tips on how to get started the SMART WAY.

Please leave comments to let me know what you think. Or feel free to ask questions about anything that you want me to research or find out for you. Also feel free to contact me to ask anything more directly.


  1. So, they say you can't spot treat fat and that the body burns fat from where ever. Why is that? So, if I focus on my ab workout, that builds my ab muscles, but doesn't burn the fat specifically around my midsection?
    Thoughts? Thanks!

  2. You can spot treat muscle but not fat. You have to burn it all over to reveal the muscles you've been working on. That's where cardio comes in-- for the fat loss.

    Cool blog guys-- I'm in week 10 right now. It's great, huh?
